
Downloadable resume here


Frontend: Javascript, Vue, Pinia, Kendo, fetch/APIs
Styling: CSS, SCSS, Tailwind
Tools: Git, Vite, P/NPM, LoDash, Zsh
Soft Skills: Agile/Scrum, remote work, documentation, pair/mob programming


Sendlane | July 2020 - April 2021 | Remote
Front End Engineer

  • Rebuilt a major customer-facing feature for data visualization
  • Oversaw an extensive refactor after upgrading a core dependency - Buefy
  • Streamlined frontend developer experience with Vuex and SASS reorganizations
  • Gathered performance statistics to pinpoint where app bundle size could be reduced, then refactored the app to reduce superfluous code or dependencies

DiegoDev | Sept 2017 - June 2020 | Remote
Software Developer

  • Architected a VueJS front end for a Laravel backend in a greenfield project.
  • Created a management system for real-world locations using LeafletJS
  • Set Vuex, Routing, and component patterns
  • Maintained legacy Cordova/VanillaJS and Ionic/Angular apps

The Control Group | Jan 2017 - June 2017 | San Diego, CA
Full Stack Developer

  • Worked full-stack on a lead generation product called NextGen Leads
  • Setup integrations with insurance companies in Node and Express to accept bids on leads, increasing revenue up to $1500 a day
  • Developed front end sales funnels using HTML, LESS, and Jquery to increase conversion rates up to 9.5% using A/B split testing
  • Implemented a Redis backup through a RESTful Node API, which stores 3 days of leads in case of RethinkDB failure
  • Wrote queries in the NoSQL RethinkDB for reuse by sales team to collect revenue, profit, and lead data
  • Worked on a mature Angular 1 MVC frontend admin for clients, using a Vagrant environment and Gulp build tool
  • Explored React/Redux and Vue experiments for future projects

Qobbler Web Services | Jan 2013 - Aug 2016 | San Diego, CA
Freelance Web Developer

  • Implemented Kirby (PHP flat-file CMS) to create small business websites
  • Provisioned hosting, email, domain services along with analytics and SEO
  • Edited HTML, CSS and PHP on client-facing websites

Touch This Media | Oct 2014 - July 2016 |San Diego, CA
Junior Software Developer

  • Refactored Cordova-based apps and deployed them onto Apple & Android app store (Know Your H20)
  • Interfaced with the JSON API to provide live stats for a fantasy sports game
  • Configured all outgoing email to use DKIM to prevent falling into spam traps, raised our score from 1.8 to 9.8
  • Developed back end scripting with PHP for user authentication, accepting payments, and automated email sending
  • Created kiosk interfaces using web technologies (HTML, CSS, Javascript) and deployed them directly onto kiosks via SSH
  • Developed MySQL database schema

Wood Craft Photos | Sept 2012 - March 2013 | San Marcos, CA
Junior Web Developer

  • Engineered an eCommerce site using Joomla and the Joomla extension library
  • Incorporated Stripe.js to accept credit/debit card payments
  • Launched a Kickstarter to help fund the project (printing photos onto wood plaques)
  • Run social media (Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) updates and promotions for the company.
  • Edit, crop and adjust color space on images intended for printing on wood panels.
  • Pack and ship finished wood panel photos.

WISR | Sept 2012 - Aug 2014 | San Marcos, CA
Content Management/Data Entry

  • Entered product information into client website backends; updating up to 300 products per day
  • Configured FTP access to update and alter files on client servers
  • Edited HTML, CSS and PHP on client-facing websites


n00b News | June 16 - Present | San Diego, CA
Newsletter Curator

  • Collect educational links for junior developers
  • Publish weekly on Get Revue
  • Increase subscriptions by 400% in first month

Incentify | Sept - Oct 2016 | San Diego, CA
App Developer

  • Created app concept where users are financially incentivized to study more
  • Lead developer on mobile motivation app, managing product backlogs, deadlines, and vision
  • Engineered hybrid app using Vue JS on Cordova
  • Tested app on Web, Android, and iOS platforms
  • Learned how to facilitate communication between Express and RethinkDB

NoshSpot |Aug - Sept 2016 | San Diego, CA
Backend Developer

  • Implemented DRY Angular Factory architecture to reduce the amount of boilerplate code in the project and save time writing factories
  • Maintained an Agile environment to meet sprint goals
  • Integrated the Stripe API to delegate financial transactions in the application

24 Hour Hackathon | Sept 2016 | San Diego, CA

  • Founded a bi-monthly 24 hour hackathon at Origin Code Academy
  • Planned the theme (Angular CRUD) and crafted a random keyword generator for each hacking team's project
  • Supervised the attendees, ensuring productivity and engagement
  • Secured location and funding from Origin Code Academy
  • Promoted the hackathon through the SanDiego.js community and social networks


Origin Code Academy | Summer-Fall 2016 | San Diego, CA

Origin Code Academy is a top coding bootcamp in San Diego that teaches the fundamentals and best practices of full stack web development in 12 weeks. Core focuses in the class include client-side development using HTML, CSS, and AngularJS, server-side development using C#/.NET, ASP.NET Web API, Entity Framework, and SQL Server, with a secondary focus on full-stack JavaScript development using the MEAN stack.

UC Santa Cruz

  • Bachelor of the Arts in Literature, with a focus on creative writing
  • Published in the Red Wheelbarrow literary magazine
  • Wrote satirical articles for Fish Rap Live! campus newspaper
  • Volunteered for four years as a DJ at KZSC, the on-campus radio station