
Vue without the CLI

I'm a big fan and user of Vue.js for frontend work that isn't just a basic web page. It's super easy to use when starting out with the 1st-party Vue-cli. However due to the nature of the projects I work on, I'm not always able to have the luxury of choosing how I bootstrap the frontend. Recently a co-worker asked for my help and I got stumped temporarily. Here's the breakdown

We had a Blade template in a Laravel project. We injected app.js in the footer using Laravel Mix to handle our Webpack config. We included the Vue dependency through npm, and had to setup the Vue app in `app.js like so:

window.Vue = require('vue');

const app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    template: `{ /* Markup goes here */ } `

My co-worker had then proceeded by adding a template key to the Vue instantiation within the const app. This got messy and also suffered from a lack of template highlighting. We decided to break the markup in template into single file components (SFC) using the .vue suffix. We scratched our heads a bit and came up with this, which worked:

window.Vue = require('vue');

Vue.component('MyComponent', require('./components/myComponent.vue').default);

const app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',

We could then drop <my-component> into the Blade template wherever we liked, as long as it was inside an element with an id of app, such as <div id="app"></div>.

To reiterate, this is for Vue apps that don't use the CLI or Webpack to kick off a dev server. This is if you want to have Vue load from a CDN link or be a globally available library and then have a simple app.js file kick off the app itself.

Such a small problem I know, but since it was something new I learned today, I decided to make a quick blog about it so that others may find the solution too.